How we make it happen

Our model

Center Image


Size of the problem


of world's plantain from Africa


post-harvest losses


USD lost income to farmers

Intercropped Cocoa & Plantain

Case study

The problem

Cocoa farmers who intercrop with plantain have one primary source of income, the cocoa. The plantain is mostly for household consumption.

Most of the plantain harvested goes to waste due to lack of market access and high perishability. The main use for the plantain tree is shade for the cocoa seedlings as they grow.

An initial solution

By purchasing plantain, the secondary crop, small-holder farmers are able to double their incomes and reduce post harvest losses. We’ve seen this through exports of “Nikki’s Plantain Crisps” from Ghana to the U.S.

A scalable solution

In order for more farmers to maximize the profits from their land by selling crops into global markets–like plantain for inputs in Nikki’s Plantain Crisps—buyers need the right quantity and quality of crops at the right time.

Chaku Foods solves this by mapping small-holder farmer lands and predicting their post-harvest crop yields during growing season via or AI/ML based platform, ChakuTech.

Scaling impact through



Frequently Asked Questions

  • Chaku Foods provides clear and reliable information on small-holder farmers and their crops by onboarding farmers, mapping their lands and monitoring the lands to predict crop yields post harvest in order to connect with commercial scale off-takers (market access).

  • Geospatial mapping at Chaku Foods ensures precise land insights, allowing farmers to make informed decisions based on topographical variations, weather patterns, and more.

  • ChakuTech utilizes algorithms to geo-tag images of mapped trees, analyze different data points, including historical crop count, weather, irrigation information, etc. to determine crop predictions. It relies on machine learning methods to improve over time.

  • Our quality harvest assurance involves implementing rigorous control measures, ensuring farmers deliver superior produce. This commitment guarantees consistent quality for stakeholders like aggregators and FMCGs.

  • Seamless farmer integration is key. Customer onboarding gathers crucial farm data, personalized engagement provides demographic data (household size, education level etc.) to more reliably measure impact, build trust and set the foundation for our tech-driven solutions.

  • Chaku Foods promotes climate-resilient practices through sustainable farming strategies, leveraging data-driven insights and innovative technologies to help farmers adapt to and mitigate climate risks.

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Chaku Foods
14 Senchi St, Accra - Ghana


+233 30 277 9203

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